Arcades and Expungement Clinics: Outside San Juan Bautista (10/28/18)

Fall is coming in quick the weather is still beautiful for screen printing in the open! PACE spent about 3 hours talking to folks in the neighborhood as they came and went into San Juan Bautista Church (largest Spanish Catholic Church in the area).

Two really amazing conversations emerged—one from a kid and one from an elder. The former focused on an idea I hear from kids all the time…”I wanna become a YouTube Vlogger.” or “I wanna be a professional Fortnite gamer!“ So, with that as a launch point, we talked about the importance of video games and digital communities are for today’s youth.

What if there was a center where people could come play video games together and learn how to run their own YouTube channel?“ My mind was blown. It’s a dream I’ve always had as a kid.

The second conversation had a much more serious tone: Subsidized Expungement Clinics

The process for folks to expunge their records is need across the country. Many people who’ve gotten in trouble as youth or young adults are forever barred from certain employment, housing, and civic opportunities. While programs are available, many are incredibly costly in time and money.

You can check PA CareerLink’s Calendar for upcoming expungement clinics in Lancaster County.